Post by The Chadyes or no?
I make more money in a week than he does in a month.
Read and learn just why and how we all *know* that you're a cowardly,
lying blowhard.
On 1/25/16, in the thread, "does chad bryant have better finances then
dink?", The Chad boasted
"My household income is just over $97k/yr."
That is, the four members of Chad's family (who he has repeatedly
boasted about all being in gainful employment] have a combined gross
income of no more than $98,000 per annum.
On 21/21/16 in the thread, "Why does Chad feel the need to impress us
with his lies...", The Chad got depantsed thusly;
Post by The ChadI'd rather give it to charity, though. Maybe someday, a few cents of
one of my monthly donations will buy you a bowl a cabbage soup.
That's nice of you.
Care to post a receipt so we could match your generosity?
I'll post one as soon as you post proof that you make any sort of income
worth bragging about, shitstain.
If you click the link at you'll see that my
weekly net income equated to US $2,072, or US $107,732. That didn't
include rental income, bonuses, stock dividends or any of my wife's
income. Unlike Chad's gross $98k, it was after tax and two novated
leases for vehicles. And it was still much, much larger than Chad's
whole family earn in total. And with the improving Aussie dollar and
subsequently pay increases, it actually equates to over US $125k net.
TL;DR? Chad earns much, much less than I do.