Post by Eartha KittyPost by The ChadSorry you weren't there. We only invited the cool people.
Could anyone from RSPW who was present please indicate so in this
thread? Anyone?
Lonely, lonely Chad and his cats.
I do hope they re-elected you as Chairman, Chadlee!
Oh, I was there. And it was an epic time indeed. All the past greats
of RSPW were there. Chad, myself, John Henry, Stoneco, Hitman333, the
Taskmistress, Marc Ash, Jeff Amdur and Lord Gow just to name a few.
Alex Cain wanted to show up, but Marc Mero didn't let him in because
he's a doo doo head. Brent Higenbotham was also there and he was
presented a lifetime achievement award. Fun times were had by all, and
we all unanimously elected Chad Bryant as Eternal President of RSPW.
Chad then had a threesome with Alicia Snow and Katie Prodoehl, and they
were all satisfied by his manhood. ILOVEUWxx showed up but then Chad
spinkicked him. We were all grateful for the leadership Chad provided,
as he is handsome and rich and much better than Dink.
the future of RSPW